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We've done the work so you don't have to. Consistently better prices than traditional hotel booking platforms. Book now!

Magic Madrid
Cool Cancun
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Stay in places like these!
Stay in places like these!
Stay in places like these!
Stay in places like these!
Stay in places like these!
Magic Madrid
Cool Cancun
Stay in places like these!
Stay in places like these!
Stay in places like these!
Stay in places like these!
Stay in places like these!
Stay in places like these!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How are such low prices possible?

The provider (LockTrip) works closely with strategically selected leading travel partners and applies a unique reverse-auctioning mechanism that allows them to present the best offers. You won't always find unbelievable discounts, but most of the time you will save a lot of money.

Is this for real?

Yes, I wouldn't be wasting my time writing this if it wasn't! 😄 You can contact any hotel directly to confirm once your booking is placed.

Why isn't this service better known?

It's still relatively early in its development and has just recently reached a level of usability sufficient for scaling its user base. Feel free to ask us any other questions you have!

Why can't I see the prices on the website?

The prices are significantly below industry standards, and may violate rate-parity agreements that hotels have with other booking services. Sign up to see the prices and make a booking.

How many properties are available?

Currently there are more than 2 million hotels and private properties available for booking.

Unstoppable Hotel Deals. Powered by LockTrip.